First Land K9 Search and Rescue, Inc is a 501 (c) 3 non profit organization and is comprised completely of volunteers. We provide our services at no charge to law enforcement agencies and organizations. Our base of operations is located in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia. Our team has over 20 years of in field, working experience to offer. First Landing K9 Search and Rescue, Inc provides professional and skilled dog teams to law enforcement agency because we have a calling to find the missing.

 Our members provide their own equipment, dogs, transportation, fuel and pay for their own training and education out of their pockets. A common thread that exists in our members is they are dedicated, driven, and drawn to this work because it is our calling to find the missing. Calls come in during all hours but commonly during business hours. The group members would like thank their employers and employees for the support and understanding of what we do. We would also like to thank our families and friends for supporting us and sharing us with the community when we are needed. Without the support of many we could not succeed. Thank you!



We do not cross train our dogs. They are trained in one discipline. Human Remains Detection or Live Find, Air Scent. Our teams, once certified are required to recertify within the group every two years and from an outside source every three years.